
About ExpTuneUp Group

ExpTuneUp.ru - this is the web page of project ExpTuneUp Group.
ExpTuneUp Group includes:

  • Internet shop, which you can find on this web page. Here you can find spare parts, parts for the off-road preparation, tuning and different accessories which usual used during off-road championship and expeditions.
  • Service station, which opened in Moscow and work with 4x4 cars. Service station offers preventive maintenance, repair and off-road preparation for UAZ vehicles.
  • Production dept. - was the first part of ExpTuneUp Group. It's orienteered for designing and producing luggage systems for different vehicles.

We apologize that the most part of this web page is presented only in Russian. The main region with which our company works is Russia. However, if you need to contact us, we ask you to use the given e-mail address: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра..

With best wishes, project owner, Alexander Nikishov.